Welcome to CIMPAT
Our Center’s vision is to improve the quality of life and the health of people suffering from neglected tropical diseases, conducting research aimed to determine the risk factors involved in the diseases transmission to humans and animals, the parasite biology and pathogenesis. CIMPAT focuses on new control and prevention strategies and policies in order to mitigate the disease burden caused by Chagas disease and Leishmaniasis in the tropics.
CIMPAT’s mission, founded in 1967, is to conduct research on the different eco epidemiological scenarios of the parasites transmission, the impact of landscape transformation and its implication in public health, climate change, niche modelling, spatial analysis and sensorial ecophysiology.
We work on vector borne diseases transmitted in a variety of ways and therefore several research areas are involved in our mission, such as parasites genotyping, new diagnostic methods, biotic interaction networks analyses and validation, risk mapping and the evolutionary trends of the parasites trough fossil DNA analyses.

Eco epidemiology of Chagas
Our interest is focused on eco epidemiology of Chagas disease and to determine the risk factors involved in the disease transmission to humans and animals, the parasite and vector biology.

Interaction between environment and the sensorial organs of insects
Our interest is about the interaction between environment and the sensorial organs of insects, chiefly, with medical and agricultural importance.
Disease ecology, spatial analysis, and ecological models of zoonotic transmission
Our research interest is focused on disease ecology, spatial analysis, and ecological models of zoonotic transmission. We evaluate environmental and ecological factors influencing transmission cycles in zoonotic diseases, especially those related to land use and climatic changes, focused on vector-borne diseases and insects with medical importance.
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(57) 601 339 4949 Ext: 3395 - 2774
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our offices
CRA 1 #18A-12, Building A, Bogotá - Colombia
Department of Biological Sciences - School of Sciences
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